Welcome to Trondheim, Norway, IEEE SSCI 2025, 17th - 20th March

IEEE SSCI is widely recognized for cultivating the interchange of state-of-the-art theories and sophisticated algorithms within the broad realm of Computational Intelligence Applications. The Symposia provide for cross-pollination of research concepts, fostering an environment that facilitates future inter and intra collaborations.

The 2025 event marks a significant milestone in the evolution of IEEE SSCI, launching the newly restructured biennial Symposia Series featuring ten dedicated Applied Computational Intelligence Symposia.

IEEE SSCI 2025, hosted in Trondheim, Norway - a city seamlessly blending historical richness with innovative progress - brings SSCI to a stunning winter location, for skiers and non skiers alike. Longer days and milder winter weather, together with the chance to see the Northern Lights., provides the perfect timing for a visit to Norway. Trondheim's small downtown area provides easy walking distance from the Venue to attractions, shopping, restaurants from fast food to Michelin star and sport activities.

We, the Organising Committee, are thrilled to extend a heartfelt invitation to academia, industry, and government agencies alike, to actively participate in presentations and discussions in Trondheim., that will play a pivotal role in shaping the trajectory of Computational Intelligence. The conference program is set to showcase a vibrant lineup, including plenary and keynote addresses, oral and poster presentations, engaging panels, insightful workshops, instructive tutorials, and stimulating competitions.

Your participation is invaluable, and we look forward to welcoming a diverse and dynamic community to contribute to the success of both the relaunch of SSCI and the 2025 event.

Empowering AI with Human Insight: Navigating Challenges and Opportunities in Responsible, Trustworthy, and Participatory AI Development

Keeley Crockett

Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

Physical Intelligence of Small-scale Robots

Metin Sitti

Koç University in Istanbul, Turkey

Social Robots and LLMs: a step towards to behave more human like

Nadia Magnenat Thalmann

University of Geneva, Switzerland

When Evolutionary Computation Meets Large Language Models

Kay Chen Tan

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

A practical example of an industrial campus energy management system - real world challenges and success stories

Tobias Rodemann

U Bochum in Germany

Computer Audition: The Age of Emergence

Björn W. Schuller

Technical University of Munich, Germany

Growing hybrid intelligence through Evidence-Based eXplainable AI - grounding AI interventions within socio-technical settings on empirical research

Federico Cabitza

University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy

Enhancing Defense Through Intelligent Optimization

Alice E. Smith

Auburn University, USA

Albert Y.S. Lam

Language AI for RegTech, SupTech and Beyond

Albert Y.S. Lam

Fano, Hong Kong

Maria F. Cabrera-Umpierrez

Breaking Barriers: Challenges in Scaling Computational Intelligence for Healthcare Systems

Maria F. Cabrera-Umpierrez

Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Important Dates

17th Sept., 2024 11:59pm PST

Tutorial Proposals Submission

10th Sept., 2024 11:59pm PST

22nd Sept., 2024 11:59pm PST

Title and Abstract of Full/Short Papers Submission

Please submit the title and abstract of your full / short paper by this deadline

17th Sept., 2024 11:59pm PST

1st Oct., 2024 11:59pm PST

Full Papers Submission Short Papers Submission

Please remember to submit the title and abstract of your full / short paper by the Title and Abstract submission deadline

1st Oct., 2024 11:59pm PST

Notification of Acceptance of Tutorials

19th Nov., 2024 11:59pm PST

3rd Dec., 2024 11:59pm PST

Author Notification Full papers
Author Notification Short papers

10th Dec., 2024 11:59pm PST

Late Breaking Papers Submission (LBP)
Poster-only Submission (Abstract)
Journal to Conference Submission (J2C)

18th Dec., 2024 11:59pm PST

Camera Paper Deadline Full papers
Camera Paper Deadline Short papers

20th Dec., 2024 11:59pm PST

Early Registration Deadline

10th Jan., 2025 11:59pm PST

Author Notification (LBP, Abstract, J2C)
Competition Participant submission

20th Jan., 2025 11:59pm PST

Notification of Acceptance (Competition Participants)

27th Jan., 2025 11:59pm PST

Extended Early registration (LBPs, Abstract, J2C, Competition Participants)