Invited Speaker for Joint Reception for YP-WCI-DEI:

Sheridan K. Houghten
Department of Computer Science, Brock University, Canada
Sheridan K. Houghten is a professor at the Department of Computer Science, Brock University. Her research interests include combinatorial optimization, computational intelligence, and algorithms (in the general sense). Her research is directed at various application areas including bioinformatics, graphs, and coding theory. Her research group develops computational techniques, algorithms, and tools for the modelling and analysis of biological and biomedical data, especially in the form of graphs or networks.She is a member (and past chair) of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) Bioinformatics and Bioengineering Technical Committee. She currently serves on the IEEE CIS Strategic Planning Committee (interim chair, also chairing the Core Values Working Group). She fills or has filled, many other related roles in IEEE CIS, including on the IEEE CIS Task Force on Ethical and Social Implications of Computational Intelligence, and on the IEEE CIS Conference Committee (chairing the Conference Competitions Subcommittee).