Submission Instructions

Double-Anonymous 1-Round Review Process

The review process for IEEE SSCI 2025 will be double-anonymous, i.e. reviewers will not know the authors' identity (and vice-versa). Authors should ensure their anonymity in the submitted papers. In brief:
  • authors' names should not be included in the submitted pdf;
  • please refer to your prior work in the third person wherever possible;
  • a reviewer may be able to deduce the authors' identities by using external resources, such as technical reports published on the web. The availability of information on the web that may allow reviewers to infer the authors' identities does not constitute a breach of the double-anonymous submission policy.
  • Note that anonymizing your paper is mandatory, and papers that explicitly or implicitly reveal the authors' identities may be rejected.

All submissions will have either an accept or reject decision, except for full papers. Full papers have three possible decisions: accept, accept as short, or reject. If the full paper is accepted as short, authors are invited to submit a camera-ready with the same format as the short papers for inclusion in the symposia companion proceedings.

Decisions on submissions will be based on one round of reviews, i.e., there will be no response period or second round of reviews.

Paper Submission Rules and Guidelines

  • Each paper should not reveal author's identities (double-anonymous review process). See instructions above.
  • All authors must have contributed significantly to the paper at the time of the submission. By submitting to IEEE SSCI 2025, authors acknowledge that they conform to the authorship policy of the IEEE and the submission policy of the IEEE.
    Please note that this also includes the following about AI-generated text:
    • The use of artificial intelligence (AI)-generated text in an article must be disclosed in the acknowledgements section of any paper submitted to an IEEE Conference or Periodical. The sections of the paper that use AI-generated text must have a citation to the AI system used to generate the text.
  • No authorship changes will be allowed after acceptance. Please ensure that you are following this guideline to avoid any issues with publication.
  • All papers must respect the paper formatting rules (see section on formatting below). Alterations of spacing, font size, and other changes that deviate from the template may result in desk rejection without further review.
  • Full paper, short paper and late breaking paper must be original, not previously published elsewhere, and not under review or submitted for review elsewhere whilst under consideration for IEEE SSCI 2025.
  • Abstract (poster-only) submissions and Journal to Conference (J2C) papers must not have been previously presented, under consideration for presentation, or submitted for presentation at other conferences, congresses, symposia or workshop whilst under consideration for presentation at IEEE SCCI 2025.
  • J2C papers must have been accepted at IEEE Transactions journals sponsored by CIS and first appeared in IEEEXplore within the past 2 years.
  • Papers will be checked for plagiarism. By submitting to IEEE SSCI 2025, you acknowledge that you agree and are bound to the IEEE Plagiarism FAQ. The Program Committee reserves the right to desk-reject a paper if it contains elements that are suspected to be plagiarized. To check for double submission and plagiarism issues, the program chairs reserve the right to (1) share the list of submissions with the PC Chairs of other conferences with overlapping review periods and (2) use external plagiarism detection software.
  • You must respect the page limitation for the respective paper type (see limitation in the section below).
  • All papers must be submitted through the IEEE SSCI 2025 online submission system (see link in the sections below).
  • For full or short papers, please add a statement about data/code sharing following the instructions below.
  • For a paper to be included in the symposium program, in the proceedings and in IEEEXplore, final accepted papers must be submitted by the camera-ready deadline, the corresponding registration fees must be paid by the early registration deadline, and the paper must presented by at least one author at the required time slots at the conference. For information on the rules for author registration (e.g., how many papers a single author registration can cover, or the type of required registration), please refer to the registration page. For more information on the presentation format, please refer to this link.

Page Limitation and Submission Format

All papers must be submitted using the IEEE conference proceedings template with body text in 10pt type. LaTeX users must use \documentclass[10pt,conference]{IEEEtran}.

The page limitations are as follows:

  • Full papers: papers of up to 6 pages, plus 1 page for references. A maximum of two extra content pages per full paper is allowed (i.e, up to 8 pages plus 1 page for references), at an additional charge per extra page as specified in the registration page. SSCI will be using a new presentation format for full papers this year.
  • Short papers: papers of up to 4 pages, plus 1 page for references.
  • Late breaking papers: extended abstracts of up to 2 pages, including references, if any.
  • Abstract (poster-only): abstracts of up to 250 words.
  • Journal to conference: up to 1 page listing bullet points with the highlights of the paper, and an explanation on why you believe the paper to be relevant to SSCI.

For a description of each paper type, please refer to the call for papers.

Open Science for Full and Short Papers

We encourage all authors to make their data/code available upon acceptance of full and short papers to increase reproducibility and replicability.

Please add a note in the last paragraph of the introduction of your submitted paper either stating that you will make your data/code available upon acceptance, or with a justification on why you cannot make your data/code available. Please replace this note by a link to the data/code in your camera-ready paper if you are sharing. You may use any online repository that you wish for this purpose. We suggest Zenodo as it produces a permanent link with a DOI.

Paper Submission

Submission Type Symposium Submission Site
Full papers 2025 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Artificial Life and Cooperative Intelligent Systems (ALIFE-CIS)
2025 IEEE Symposia on Computational Intelligence for Energy, Transport and Environmental Sustainability (CIETES)
2025 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence on Engineering/Cyber Physical Systems (CIES)
2025 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Image, Signal Processing and Synthetic Media (CISM)
2025 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Security, Defence and Biometrics (CISDB)
2025 IEEE Symposium for Multidisciplinary Computational Intelligence Incubators (MCII)
2025 IEEE Symposium on Trustworthy, Explainable, and Responsible Computational Intelligence (CITREx)
2025 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Natural Language Processing and Social Media (CI-NLPSoMe)
2025 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering and Economics (CiFer)
2025 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Health and Medicine (CIHM)
Short Paper 2025 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Artificial Life and Cooperative Intelligent Systems Companion (ALIFE-CIS)
2025 IEEE Symposia on Computational Intelligence for Energy, Transport and Environmental Sustainability (CIETES)
2025 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence on Engineering/Cyber Physical Systems Companion (CIES)
2025 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Image, Signal Processing and Synthetic Media Companion (CISM)
2025 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Security, Defence and Biometrics Companion (CISDB)
2025 IEEE Symposium for Multidisciplinary Computational Intelligence Incubators (MCII)
2025 IEEE Symposium on Trustworthy, Explainable, and Responsible Computational Intelligence (CITREx)
2025 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Natural Language Processing and Social Media (CI-NLPSoMe)
2025 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering and Economics (CiFer)
2025 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Health and Medicine (CIHM)
Late breaking papers All symposia
Abstract (poster-only) All symposia
Journal to conference (J2C) All symposia